Friday, 24 January 2014

Still thinking.

I have been playing again.

printing and inking and painting and messing.!
In my sketchbook first....

And then on white cotton....

I generally just had a lot of fun with this one piece of polystyrene cut into a bird shape. The polystyrene is from a pizza packaging. These pizza bases are great for printing and one side sometimes has a texture on it which adds to the print.
It is also good to draw into the polystyrene with say a knitting needle or pencil and then print the image.
Actually I might do that soon. Am thinking bird shapes or bird footprints.

Although I was thinking of working on some smaller pieces I think I might join the long pieces of prints together and work on a larger scale. I really like the black on white prints.
I don't know. Still thinking about it.


1 comment:

  1. your work is amazing as always. I will never throw out another pizza base again!
