Saturday, 19 October 2013

Hands Across the Border

During the week my mum and I visited the Hands Across The Border exhibition at The Island Arts Centre in Lisburn.
Here are some of the exhibits....

Valerie McKeown, Lets Celebrate.

Irene MacWilliam, Wonder of Nature

Cathy Little, Wild Daisies

Anne French, Flower for the Living

Sharon Mount

Sheila Cleary, Birds Fly

On the way out of the exhibition these fabulous paintings were hanging in the foyer..

Aren't these fantastic? They are part of a community arts project, and I just think they are so free, and so inspiring, especially the first one.

Very Inspiring!



  1. Some amazing pieces at the exhibition, Ali

  2. Looks like a great exhibition, both of them. Don't think I will make it, but did go to the RUA
    in the Ulster Museum which had some great pieces, including 2 textile pictures this year.
